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High product quality from us, with your orders protected from payment to delivery.

One-stop trading solution

Order seamlessly from product search to order management, payment, and fulfillment.

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Millions of business offerings

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Mackenzie Holdings Ltd

Discover Variety Of Quality Grains And Cereals

We Are Distributors Of Quality 100% Organic Produce

Best Agriculture And Organic Firm

Select Processed Food Products For Royal Taste

Our specialties of Deep Frozen Meat-packing

All Our Products Meet All International Standards

Wholesale Of Top Electric Devices

Strong Hold In The Tech Industry As A Reputable Exporter And Supplier Of Supreme Electronic Equipments

Mackenzie Holdings Ltd has been in existence for so many years and it is one of the fastest growing trading companies in the world market. So far offers a wide range of products and services. One of our main activities is exporting branded products to many countries in Europe and other countries in the world and constant attempting to present mutually beneficial trade opportunities.

Product Quality

In addition to the first-class quality of our raw materials, our quality standards focus on service, flexibility and reliability. At Mackenzie Holdings Ltd , we make sure that all our products come from controlled organic cultivation.
We are proud to say that Mackenzie Holdings Ltd is highly valued throughout the world, and it is exported to almost every country where natural and pure products are valued

The number of our customers and tons of products sold gives our company the status of a reliable partner and supplier of Agro products wholesale. Our company supplies products to more than 20 countries of the world.


We understand that the principles of international trading come down to choosing of suppliers that offer the best price, quality, reliability and decency. That’s why we have made a huge work to organize cooperation with manufacturers of meal products. We have developed own trade marks, optimal logistic decisions. Also we have customized export processes.

Explore hundreds of offerings tailored to your business needs​​




Countries Supplies


Satisfied Clients​

Discover your next business opportunity

More than 3 years of experience. Experts the world over. Service centres in nearly 100 countries. For true peace of mind, take advantage of the Mackenzie Holdings Ltd global service network with its solid local presence to maximize quality, efficiency and yield of your processes. No agro supplier can provide the depth, breadth and range of products and service.

Top Ranking

Mounjaro pen


White corn wholesale

Wholesale of White Maize

Pork Bacon

Wholesale of Frozen Pork Bacon

Palm kernel oil wholesale

Wholesale of Refined Palm Kernel Oil

crawfish wholesale

Wholesale Crawfish

Frozen Beef Flank

Wholesale Frozen Beef Flanks

ICUMSA 45 sugar

Wholesale ICUMSA 45 Sugar

Betel Nuts Wholesale

Wholesale of Betel Nuts

New Arrivals


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Quality and Assurance

Mackenzie Holdings Ltd has an extensive distribution network which reaches millions of consumers across the region on a daily basis. With an office presence in 3 countries, a strong logistics team, and along with our refinery and producing partners in 5 countries the company distributes and 4 various types of edible oils.

We do comply with international export laws, and we offer the best quality product, outstanding services, and the most competitive prices. 

e are specialized in making long-lasting connections with our clients. We develop mutual understanding with clients which further strengthen our business ventures thanks to our marketing and sales team backed with an experienced, energetic, responsible and flexible team members ready to serve you.


We are associated with several leading wholesale buyers of quality products.


Maximum customer satisfaction and timely delivery guides us.

Organic Quality

Your reliable partner for wholesale purchases and delivery.

Our Vision

Clients demands and keeping a long-term loyal relationship.


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Get your logistics needs fulfilled with customized solutions, with real-time tracking for 26,000+ routes across 220 countries and  regions

Ship yard

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Empowering businesses through global trade

Mackenzie Holdings Ltd offers  trading solutions for global small and medium-sized businesses, empowering them to transform through digital trade, grasp opportunities, and accelerate growth internationally.


Make it easy to do business anywhere.


We have teams around the world

Hangzhou, China Paris, France Munich, Germany Tokyo, Japan Seoul, Korea London, UK New York, US … and many other locations worldwide.


Responsible technology and sustainable future.